21 Habits to Lose Weight and Look Younger: How to Look and Feel Good Naked (Part 1)

lose weight and look younger

Ultimately, many of the women I work with just want to BE healthier, lose weight and look younger.  They want to maintain a naturally healthy weight, balance their hormones, and look and feel good naked. 

One of my favorite gifts is helping women to lose weight and look younger without nips, tucks, Botox, or glycolic acid peels.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting any of these treatments, especially when you have your beautiful little heart set on them.  And I know for sure that there are other options too.  Simpler ways to get the youthful glow and radiant skin of your dreams.

The Power of Healthy Habits to Lose Weight and Look Younger

And even if you are going for the nips, tucks, Botox and skin peels, adding any of these 21 habits will create the perfect canvas for the makeup, Botox and peels.

In this series, I’ll talk about these 21 habits that do triple duty.  Just incorporating a few of these into a lifestyle plan will help you lose weight and look younger without any healing down time and support you to reset and balance your hormones.

Cultivating healthy habits is most powerful healing and anti-aging weapon have.

I haven’t met any woman entrepreneur who is trying to look like a 12-year-old, but I know that aging gracefully and beautifully is something we all desire.  Aging is inevitable and part of our beautiful life journey.  Who would prefer the alternative?  The thing that I see most when working with women is the desire to look and feel good naked or just feel great, without the commitment to making it happen.

How to Lose Weight and Look Younger & Look and Feel Good Naked

One of the most overlooked components of healthy aging and looking and feeling great naked is what we eat.  When we eat healthy and nutrient dense foods that deliver the essential nutrients minerals and vitamins that our bodies need, our bodies will be more efficient at regenerating with fully formed, healthy cells – and we get to look and feel good naked.

The best advice I ever received was from the surgeon who did my first lumpectomy when I was 15.  He told me, “Miatta, you are what you eat.” 

After the surgery, he explained that my breasts and the rest of my body are only as healthy as what I put in my mouth, and what I feed my thoughts, mind, and soul.  He advised me that genetic history was merely data, and that my life, my body and how I age will ALL be shaped by the healthy habits that I choose every day.  I haven’t always listened to Dr. Maldonado’s advice, but I’ve never forgotten his words. 

Don’t wait 30 years like I did.  The key to looking and feeling good naked doesn’t come in a pill, a lotion or a bottle.  It is in the mouth and mind and every single choice we make every day.

Today I invite you, if you’re wondering how to be healthier, look younger and maintain that youthful glow and radiance as you age, to consider choosing positive habits.  Healthier habits (like a nutrient dense real food (non) diet) that empower you to maintain a naturally healthy weight, help balance your hormones and give you a radiant healthy and youthful glow.

There are two very noticeable things that grow with age, our waistlines and our wrinkles.  Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered “what happened?”  I hear this a lot. 

Here’s the real dose.  Aging is beautiful and inevitable but voluntarily looking and feeling like crap is purely optional – that’s just Mindset.

In Part 1 of 21, I’m going to talk about something that you already know, and perhaps you’re already doing this every day.  If that’s the case, you can skip this part and see if you resonate better with Parts 2 through 21 (included in The Anti-Aging Guide for Women Entrepreneurs).

So here we go.  Our first of 21 Habits to Lose Weight and Look Younger is… Drumroll….

Add More Fruits to Your Healthy Eating Lifestyle

According to the According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) only 1 in 10 adults meet the federal fruit recommendations, which is at least 1½ to 2 cups per day of fruit as part of a healthy eating pattern.

I’m curious.  Are you eating at least 1½ to 2 cups per day of fruit every single day?  While better health may be as simple as eating more fruits, there are other benefits for those women who want to keep their beautiful glow and feel amazing as they get better with age. 

Fruits are high in vitamins and minerals, which is why so many of them frequently end up on superfood lists or in most skin products.  Yes, they are amazing for your skin.  Think of fruit as your self-confidence boost.  Take a bite.  You deserve it.

Not everyone enjoys eating 5 servings of fruit every day.  I get that. 

And there are so many ways to incorporate fruit into your lifestyle without chomping on apples or pears all day.  If you’re into juicing and smoothies, that’s one way to go.  I love fruits and I’m always looking for more creative ways to incorporate them into my clean eating meals.  I use them in my daily smoothies, I bake them, I cook them, and I turn them into fun little snacks for me and my family. 

I know many women entrepreneurs who swear by juicing and are always on the lookout for the ultimate green juice.  Adding fruits could be a great way to boost fiber in those smoothies/juices and give some love to your gut, which equals healthy radiant skin.

If you’re already enjoying clean eating meals, then this is right up your alley.  If you’re new to clean eating, then you’ll enjoy 7 Clean Eating Tips to Lose Weight, Feel Great and Reset Hormones

Here are a few fruits you can add to your clean eating meal plans, and the benefits of each.


The Queen of healthy fats, giver of the youthful glow, booster of radiant skin, gentle hormone balancer and my nutrient dense true love. 

If you’ve been in my world over the last 2 years, you already know how many skin, health and life benefits I am enjoying from my daily Avocado habit.  If the avocado fruit was an anti-aging serum, I would describe it as a luxurious serum with omega fatty acids that plump, hydrate and feed your skin.

The avocado fruit is the best fatty green fruit your body will ever need.  Rich in monounsaturated fats and nutrient dense, it is great for clear skin and optimal digestion.  It helps our bodies absorb important nutrients easily and keeps skin hydrated.  High in antioxidants, avocado helps the body heal from years of skin damage and the fiber in the fruit helps the body rid itself of toxins that contribute to aging. 

Personally, avocado nourishes my skin with a soft, youthful glow, gives me better focus, increases my energy, keeps me full longer and gives me outrageous joy.  It is my very own ultra-hydrating cream that improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles when they show up.

There are several ways to add this fruit to your diet.  Choose what works best for your taste buds.  I enjoy one in my smoothie every morning; as a side dish with omelets, mixed in my boiled sweet potatoes, on toast, or just on its own.  My daughter prefers avocado to mayo on her favorite sandwiches and enjoys it as a burger topping and in her favorite guacamole dip. 

Yes, it’s high in fat and yes, it’s the good fat.  If you’re not allergic to it, I invite you to add it to your ultimate lose weight and look younger toolbelt.


One of the most potent anti-aging components is resveratrol, which can be found in the fleshy skin of darker grapes.  According to scientists, resveratrol can protect some people from UV damage and helps to reduce specific types of inflammation.  Better skin and reducing inflammation. 

Who is raising her hand for this one?  I know I am.  Ever since I quit sugar, darker juicy grapes have been my go-to sugar.  The boost to my skin hasn’t gone unnoticed. 


Who doesn’t love Pomegranate seeds or as I call them, God’s sugar?  They are beautifully sweet and chock full of essential vitamins and minerals and some important micronutrients that work great for your skin.  Pomegranate contains one of the most powerful vitamins in the world.  One that you find in every medical grade face serum or skin lotion.

Personally, I would describe the Pomegranate seeds as a luxurious and light Vitamin C serum that visibly brightens, firms and evens the look of skin tone and texture.  We all know the benefits of Vitamin C – protects and visibly evens skin tone; protects the skin from free radicals and is the queen of collagen for youthful glow.

Snack on the seeds, blend them into your favorite smoothie or whatever lights your taste buds up.  Remember, adding more fruits is essential to sustainable weight loss and maintaining a naturally healthy weight.  What do you have to lose?

Blood Oranges

Blood oranges may promote an increase in collagen and enhance skin’s elasticity.  Oh, and they also keep bad cholesterol levels down.  It’s a tasty and nutritious treat on this own and is great in salads and desserts.  Regular oranges also provide great citrus Vitamin C benefits for the skin.


This tiny little fruit is a mighty giant when it comes to sustainably losing weight and looking younger.  Rich in Vitamins C and E, Blueberries protect the body’s cells and keeps you looking younger.  The antioxidants fight off effects of free radicals that cause cell damage.  Another great benefit is that that are lower in sugar, which reduces the risk of hormonal imbalance – insulin and blood sugar spikes (moderation, right?).

And they are so easy to add to your clean eating meals and enjoy regularly.  Snack on them or add them to your favorite smoothie or throw in a few into your yogurt.  Add them to cold cereal, oatmeal, or your favorite fruit salad.

I would describe these blueberries as a light serum that boosts cell renewal to increase radiance. 


These juicy friends may help prevent certain age-related cancers. The lycopene found in tomatoes has been shown to decrease the chances of developing lung and prostate cancer.  Cooking your tomatoes instead of eating them raw may actually help them release more lycopene.

Slice them, dice them and enjoy with your favorite salads or just as a great snack.  I love snacking on grapes and grape tomatoes.  Show off your skills with homemade tomato-based soup or sauces and get creative.


Pineapples were my go-to fruit when I was trying to curb my sweet cravings.  I believe they are the one of the reasons I was able to easily quit sugar.  They promote collagen production, which keeps your skin firm and hides the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.  Have you noticed how all of the fruits on this list sound like the lotions, potions and tricks at a dermatologist or plastic surgeon’s office?  Interesting.

Pineapples also contain bromelain, which has been shown to reduce potentially dangerous blood clotting, chronic bronchitis, and rheumatoid arthritis. You can use pineapples to make smoothies, stuffing and toppers for pork chops, and other meat dishes.

Consider adding pineapples to your daily meals.  They may just help curb those 3pm cravings for chocolate chip cookies or excess sugar.  I enjoy them as a tasty snack, include them in my salads, and I also add them to my daily smoothies. 


Think Vitamin A, E and K.  All those vitamins in the best retinol and other skin renewal potions.  You can get them in your figs without the dangers of harming your skin.  Theis powerful combination of vitamins help with diabetes and blood pressure.

Also high in antioxidants, are great in desserts and make excellent breakfast and snacking spreads.

So, there you have it.  Part 1 of 21 ways to lose weight and look younger.  Add more fruits into your clean eating meals and you will lose weight safely AND gently get rid of those dull, rough patches, minimize fine lines and discoloration, and reveal glowing, baby smooth, radiant skin.

Aim for at least 5 servings of fruits every day with your clean eating lifestyle.  Incorporating this into your clean eating meal plans will support you to be healthier.

Remember, you are what you eat, think, and feed your soul.

Next up, Part 2.

Please SHARE what resonated with you most from this post and Download my gift to you – A FREE 4-Day Weight Loss, Metabolism Boost and Hormone Reset Guide exclusively for Women Entrepreneurs.

Here’s what you get:

Clean Eating Recipe Guide

A Suggested Recipe Guide with simple, delicious and easy to follow recipes even your family will love. You can adjust all the recipes to fit your lifestyle and palette.  No woman should ever have to give up mouthwatering food just because she’s trying to lose weight.  

Plus, I know you need your energy and glow back, so these recipes will help boost your energy, curb cravings and leave you more delighted and satisfied than you’ve been in years. 

Clean Eating Meal Plan

A Suggested Meal Plan so you don’t have to worry about what to Eat to kickstart losing weight, boosting your metabolism and creating happy hormones.

Clean Eating Food List and Food Diary

A Shopping List so you have MORE time to enjoy your meals; and

A Simple Food Journal to keep track of how you are feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally as you kickstart your weight loss and hormone balancing journey.

Simply Click HERE to Download your FREE 4-Day Weight Loss and Hormone Reset Lifestyle.

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The Quit Sugar and Glow Factor

Let it Be Easy!  Cheers to a fabulously healthier life and glowing skin from the inside out!

I’m MiMi Dabo, a women’s holistic health coach who enjoys whole + real food. I help Married Women Entrepreneurs Lose Weight, Balance Hormones, Be Healthier, Feel Sexier, Look Great Naked and Enjoy Sex More. Want to fall in love with your body and enjoy life again?

Creator, The Quit Sugar and Glow Factor & The Look and Feel Great Naked Intensive

Learn more at www.loseweightandlookyounger.com.