How to Eat Healthy While Traveling Especially If You’re Struggling to Lose Weight

how to eat healthy while traveling

How to Eat Healthy While Traveling is one of many questions I get frequently.  When you’re a busy women entrepreneur, anything that causes stress or overwhelm can have a huge impact on your business and mindset. 

And if you’re struggling with losing weight or hormonal imbalance, trying to juggle life, business and relationships, as well as your health goals can seem very challenging.

‘How to Eat Healthy’ Challenges While on the Road

Traveling can throw your regular healthy habits off when you’re skipping time zones or even just being in a different place.  So, while travel can be stressful enough without thinking about what to eat, we don’t want travel to be another crappy story standing in the way of maintaining a natural healthy weight and balanced hormones or losing weight and looking younger.

If we have a lot going on, the one thing that always goes on the back burner is eating clean and healthy

And I get it.  I’ve been there too.  As a busy female entrepreneur and mom, I used to focus more on making sure my family was healthy and I shoved my own needs aside into the “When I have time” bucket.  But the hard truth was that I never made the time.

Here’s the deal.  Until we shift our mindset around our priorities, we are never going to have the time or the money or the energy or the patience or whatever else we ‘re blaming on lack and scarcity.

So, after talking with several women entrepreneurs and noticing how this issue shows up for my clients, I’ve decided to make life much easier for you with these simple strategies for how to eat healthy while traveling.

These healthy eating tips will work whether you’re heading on a business trip, jetting off to a long-awaited vacation or enjoying a road trip with the entire family.  No matter where you’re going, you want quick and easy healthy food ideas that you can use to help you stay on track with weight loss goals, maintaining a naturally healthy weight or just keeping your hormones in check.

Clean and healthy eating strategies that give you back your energy, keep you full longer, curb sugar cravings, beat the 3pm fatigue slump, help you sleep better at night and help you focus better – all without adding on unwanted weight gain or messing up your hormones.

The best part is that you can apply each of these strategies right here at home too. 

Every woman entrepreneur deserves to enjoy REAL food.  Eating Clean and Healthy is not a diet.  It’s a nourishing gift to our body and soul because we are worth it.  We have one body and one life.  There is no time genie who will add 12 extra hours to your day.  It’s up to you, me, all of us, collectively and individually to carve out the time to proactively take care of health. 

The question I get the most is what exactly does “real food” mean?  Real food is food that is not processed and doesn’t contain chemicals.  When you choose to eat clean, you’re focusing on eating REAL nutrient dense whole foods or minimally processed foods that are made from REAL ingredients.  This means that you’re eating foods closer to their original source, with little to no manipulation between the source of the food and your plate.

Think Raspberry fruit and Oats over a Raspberry muffin or eating an apple instead of drinking apple juice.  You get the Real picture.  Nutrient dense foods have a ton of nutrients, taste delicious and are relatively low in calories compared to lower nutrient options like fast food.  They include eggs, broccoli, wild-caught salmon, avocado, and sweet potatoes.

If you want to learn more about clean eating and how to make this a lifestyle you can use to maintain a naturally healthy weight, leaner body and enjoy happy hormones, then check out this related post – 7 Clean Eating Tips to Lose Weight, Feel Great and Reset Hormones.

As a woman entrepreneur, your health is the heart of your business.  Being proactive now saves you the 6 months of bed rest and recovery when life makes the choice for you. For more support, check out The Healthy Eating Guide for Busy Women Entrepreneurs.

And there is no reason why we can’t level up and eat REAL food while we’re traveling. 

How to Eat Healthy While Traveling

Book your hotel room with intention.  When booking your hotel stay, consider asking for a room with a mini fridge so that you can store some of your healthy snacks and groceries while you’re there.

Bring your own healthy snacks.  Many of us love to snack and it doesn’t serve us to deprive ourselves of food, just to eat everything in sight later – you know that hangry junk food seeker we all turn into when we’re in craving mode.

Snacking on healthier food while on the road gives you nourishing fuel until you can get to a grocery store for some real food.

Here are a few on-the-go-snacks that you can keep in a bag and/or cooler during/for your trip.  If you bring the cooler, don’t forget the ice packs.

• Fresh Fruit – Apples, Bananas, Grapes, Grapefruit, Kiwi, Pear, Oranges, Tangerines, Blueberries, Persimmons (any of your favorites)

•Avocado (yes, it’s a fruit, but it deserves it’s own special category for all it’s yummy goodness – Indulge with sea salt + watercress + dandelion leaves)

• Fresh Sliced Veggies (carrots, celery, cucumber, broccoli and any of your favorites) – Tip: You can find single-serving packs of these at Costco.

• Boiled Eggs

• Hummus (Create a quick healthy snack with hummus and celery sticks)

• Almond Butter (Perfect for apple slices and almond butter snacks), Sunflower Seed Butter, Hemp Seed Butter or Pumpkin Butter (1 – 2 tablespoons of any of these go great with sliced fruit or celery sticks)

• Unsalted Almonds, Walnuts or Pumpkin Seeds

• Sea Salt and Cayenne Pepper (think sliced cucumber with sea salt + dash of cayenne – yum!)

• Yogurt (throw in some fresh figs, strawberry, blueberries or your favorite fruit and you’re good to go)

• Dried or freeze-dried fruit

• Quality Protein Bars

• Quality Granola Cereal

• Savory Snacks like Roasted Chickpeas

• Water – Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Now, let’s talk about what happens when you get to your destination.  Healthy snacks are great, but we need some great nourishing real food options.

How to Find and Eat Healthy Food at Your Destination


One of the things we do before traveling for vacation is google grocery store locations because my daughter and I love fresh food and enjoy cooking our own.  It makes it easier to grab what we need and have different options to cook (especially if you prep your own protein and veggies before your trip – thank God for coolers). 

Yes, we also head to google for the best Pizza place and locate the closest Taco Bell or Popeyes (we all have our thing), and best places for delicious fresh crabs. 

App It

If you’re an app gal, you might find these helpful.

Food Tripping – is an app designed for road trips and will help you find great alternatives to fast food.

HealthyOut – is an app designed to help you find restaurants that cater to your specific dietary preferences – gluten-free, lactose-free, low-calorie, low-carb, etc.

FindMeGlutenFree – is a website that searches for gluten-free restaurants around the US.

How to Eat Healthy When Dining Out or Buying Food at the Grocery Store

If you head to the grocery stores or decide to just enjoy someone else doing all the work, here are a few tips to set you up for success.

At most supermarkets, you can find pre-cooked proteins, like chicken, salmon, shrimp cocktail, or vegetarian choices to add to a simple salad.

Buy a soup from a market or health food store for an easy meal. Feel free to add extra protein, or simply have a vegetarian night.

Go to your favorite (non-MSG) Chinese restaurant, and order spring beans and chicken or tofu sautéed in garlic, ginger and oil.

Go to your favorite Italian restaurant, and get mussels in red sauce without the cheese.

Go to your favorite Mediterranean restaurant, and have a salad with falafel and hummus.

Go to your favorite Mexican restaurant, and have a fish taco, (you can ask them to hold the cheese and the taco shell).  You can also enjoy a vegetarian meal by asking for a veggie bowl loaded with tomatoes, lettuce, beans, avocado, and salsa.

Go to your favorite deli and order a big salad and/or a soup like split pea or chicken (you can ask them to hold the rice or the noodles).

I notice that for clients, traveling often comes with unnecessary junk food that can derail their healthy lifestyles. 

Personally, I believe you can find a healthy option anywhere even at Popeyes, but I know that planning ahead and being prepared helps you deal with the frustration of figuring out what to eat.  

My hope is that this guide supports you to keep your health goals on track and never stress over how to eat healthy while traveling no matter where you find yourself.

Please SHARE what resonated with you most from this post and Download my gift to you – A FREE 4-Day Weight Loss, Metabolism Boost and Hormone Reset Guide exclusively for Women Entrepreneurs.

Here’s what you get:

Clean Eating Recipe Guide

A Suggested Recipe Guide with simple, delicious and easy to follow recipes even your family will love. You can adjust all the recipes to fit your lifestyle and palette.  No woman should ever have to give up mouthwatering food just because she’s trying to lose weight.  

Plus, I know you need your energy and glow back, so these recipes will help boost your energy, curb cravings and leave you more delighted and satisfied than you’ve been in years. 

Clean Eating Meal Plan

A Suggested Meal Plan so you don’t have to worry about what to Eat to kickstart losing weight, boosting your metabolism and creating happy hormones.

Clean Eating Food List and Food Diary

A Shopping List so you have MORE time to enjoy your meals; and

A Simple Food Journal to keep track of how you are feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally as you kickstart your weight loss and hormone balancing journey.

Simply Click HERE to Download your FREE 4-Day Weight Loss and Hormone Reset Lifestyle.

lose weight fast

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Let it Be Easy!  Cheers to a fabulously healthier life and glowing skin from the inside out!

I’m MiMi Dabo, a women’s holistic health coach who enjoys whole + real food. I help Married Women Entrepreneurs Lose Weight, Balance Hormones, Be Healthier, Feel Sexier, Look Great Naked and Enjoy Sex More. Want to fall in love with your body and enjoy life again?

Creator, The Quit Sugar and Glow Factor & The Look and Feel Great Naked Intensive

Learn more at